Educational Programs


We work together with key campus partners to provide training and educational resources for the entire Missouri S&T community. 

Training and educational opportunities focus on a variety of topics such as sexual violence prevention, discrimination and harassment prevention, dating and domestic violence prevention, Title IX, and more. Opportunities are offered in person online and in other formats that can fit your needs. If you are interested in learning more about opportunities available, please contact the Office of Equity and Title IX to explorer available options.

New Student Sexual Violence Prevention Program

Learn more about Federally required trainings for new students to the University regarding sexual violence prevention called U Got This! 

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 Want help with developing a training?

 If you have a specific need, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll work with you to develop a training that meets your desired outcomes.




This program uses true-to-life situations and language that will test your knowledge using real-world situations.  The program is designed to help you identify actions and behaviors that have no place in our Miner Community.  The program will highlight the nondiscrimination policies for the University of Missouri.  Additionally, resources are promoted for those that have experienced discrimination available on and off campus. 

All new students to the University of Missouri are directed to complete the sexual violence prevention program as required by Federal law.  The prevention education program called “U Got This!” is hosted at all four University of Missouri campuses.  U Got This! Is an engaging conversation about: 

  • bystander intervention 
  • consent 
  • healthy relationships
  • sexual harassment
  • sexual assault
  • dating and domestic violence
  • stalking and more

Questions or concerns, contact the Office of Equity and Title IX at 

To access the U Got This! educational programs, click the button below.  You will be taken to the Missouri S&T’s U Got This! program page where you can learn more and select between the Undergraduate and Graduate programs. 

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Title IX overview for students serves to inform the general student body of their rights and responsibilities under Title IX. This training will include the process of filing a report, provide definitions and terms, and provide a greater understanding of consent. Points of this training can be adapted for different audiences to include; residence life, Greek life, athletics, new student programs and other areas of campus. This training may be modified to include case studies and scenario practice that includes intervention models from the bystander intervention program Step Up! Outcomes for this training are as follows:

  • Have a stronger understanding of Title IX and the rights it affords you.
  • Know how and where to report potential Title IX violations.
  • Be able to articulate the process that follows a Title IX report.
  • Identify preventative measures to problematic events.

Questions or concerns, contact the Office of Equity and Title IX at 

Title IX overview for student leaders training is similar to the Title IX Overview for Students with a stronger focus on reporting responsibilities and obligations. Points of this training can be adapted for different audiences to include; residence life, Greek life, athletics, new student programs and other areas of campus. This training can be modified to include case studies and scenario practice that includes intervention models from the bystander intervention program Step Up! Outcomes for this training are as follows:

  • Have a stronger understanding of Title IX and the rights it affords you and your members.
  • Understand your role with Title IX as a Student Leader.
  • Know how and where to report potential Title IX violations.
  • Be able to articulate the process that follows a Title IX report.
  • Identify preventative measures to problematic events.

Length:  30 minutes to 1 hour

Questions or concerns, contact the Office of Equity and Title IX at

Title IX first responder training is geared towards faculty and staff members in the Missouri S&T community who work closely with students and focuses on how to work with students/individuals who disclose that they have experienced a form of sexualized discrimination/harassment/assault. Definitions, responsibilities, best practices and case studies are covered. Outcomes for this training are as follows:

  • Develop a stronger understanding of the institutional obligations under Title IX.
  • Grasp the role of a Title IX first responder.
  • Understand the difference between an advocate and first responder.
  • A better understanding of how to manage situations involving a reluctant victim.
  • Know how and where to report a Title IX violation.
  • Develop skills and strategies for working with students/individuals who experience a form of sexualized discrimination/violence.

Length: 1 to 2 hour

Questions or concerns, contact the Office of Equity and Title IX at 

Previous Trainings